Light Through The Currituck Window

by Joni Eskridge
Light Through The Currituck Window
Joni Eskridge
Late morning light comes streaming through a window while climbing the stairs inside the Currituck lighthouse in Corolla North Carolina
June 19th, 2016
Comments (20)

Bob Christopher
Hi Joni... I like your image. A wonderful subject and nicely presented and photographed...Cheers Bob fv

Joni Eskridge
Thanks so much Rosalie for featuring Light Through the Currituck Window in the group Book Covers 1 per day. Really appreciate it!

Rosalie Scanlon
Congratulations, your excellent work has been featured on the Home Page of the Book Covers Group. http://fineartamerica.com/groups/book-covers-1-per-day.html?tab=overview

Joni Eskridge
Thank you Karen for featuring Light Through the Cuttituck Window in the group Lady Photographers and Artists. Very honored!

Joni Eskridge
Thank you John. Really appreciate the feature in Images That Excite You for Light Through the Currituck Window.

Korrine Holt
Wow, such a great mood piece. I love how many of the details show through the darkness. Would make a wonderful book cover that could apply to many different topics! l/fv
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks so much Korrine. Yes, I think a book cover would be wonderful - this one, and Lake Michigan After Sunset ( : Thanks for the visit and comments. Appreciate it.