Food, Glorious Food

by Joni Eskridge
Food, Glorious Food
Joni Eskridge
Four little hungry Robins finally get some grub! Feeding these hungry mouths was a fulltime job. I watched as mom and dad traveled back and forth and back and forth trying to keep these tiny, but loud little mouths fed.
July 10th, 2016
Comments (23)

Cindy Treger
Joni, amazing capture. f/l
Joni Eskridge replied:
Spent a few hours with a long lens standing on a ladder to get these shots. Was such a fun experience to see both parents carefully watching over their young, and the frequent trips back and forth to feed them. Watched them the whole summer while their parents taught them to fly and search for food. Glad I could share some of that with you!

Lori Deiter
Excellent image of feeding time!!
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks Lori! I know it made me hungry LOL! Appreciate the visit and taking time to comment.

Morris Finkelstein
Very beautiful close up of an adult Robin feeding three chicks in a nest, with great perspective, details, colors and composition. Very nice work, Joni! F/L
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks so much Morris for your detailed comment! Really appreciate your visit and taking the time to comment.

Inge Riis McDonald
Fantastic capture. I keep trying something like this - have lots of nests on our land - but also lots of owls and the photos I got are not quite this sweet:)
Joni Eskridge replied:
I can imagine Inge. We have hawks in the neighborhood, and while I love to see them, watching one swoop into the back yard trying to get dinner to go keeps me on the edge of my seat! This nest was in a fairly accessible place and the Robbins had it there 2-3 years. It got knocked down one year and that was about the same time the Hawks showed up, so the Robbins have found more secure locations for nesting. I am glad I had this opportunity to observe their family this one year. Thanks for the visit, and appreciate your comments.

Marnie Patchett
Fabulous capture.
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks Marnie. Who needs TV when you've got a camera and baby birds! Glad you liked it.

Ana Dawani
amazing capture Joni !
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks Ana. I had one where she brought them a bright green - probably a caterpillar that was my favorite feeding shot, but it wasn't quite sharp enough to pass muster. It was great fun to watch this little family begin and develop. Thanks for the visit and taking time to comment.

Aaron Whittemore
Incredible behavior, Joni. Amazing work. V/F
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks Aaron. It was worth standing on a six foot ladder with a heavy telephoto lens for a few hours to witness the comings and goings of mom and dad and watch the babies as they waited. There's three other shots in this series that document the feeding cycle. I had a great time watching all four fledge and then be taught how to get around and fend for themselves as they used our back yard for their training ground.