Baby Robins Tired of Waiting

by Joni Eskridge
Baby Robins Tired of Waiting
Joni Eskridge
Four little Robins waiting for some grub. Their poor little bird necks just couldn't support their heads any longer.
July 10th, 2016
Comments (17)

Terry Davis
How did you get this?? Marvelous!
Joni Eskridge replied:
The nest was in our yard. I stood at the top of an 8ft ladder well back from the nest for about an hour and a half with a 400mm lens, watching the drama unfold. There are several shots in my bird gallery from that day.

Don Columbus
Congratulations Joni, your work is Featured in "A Birding Group - Wings"!
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thank you Don. Really appreciate the feature of Baby Robbins Tired of Waiting in "A Birding Group - Wings"!

Skip Willits
Well done Joni, it must have been fun getting this series of images. Good job.
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks Skip. Yes, it was great fun watching them from hatchlings to scurrying around the back yard learning how to find worms.

Craig Corwin
Nice capture Joni.
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks Craig. Felt so bad for the poor little guys. Those heads are just too heavy to hold up for so long ( :