Wind Art

by Joni Eskridge
Wind Art
Joni Eskridge
This was one of the more unusual wind blown sand patterns I found walking on the beach at Nags Head on a chilly February afternoon.
October 13th, 2015
Comments (20)

Debra Martz
Very unique patterns in the sand! That is what I like about walking beaches; they are different everyday if you are seriously looking! Great find and capture, Joni!

Linda Lees
What a great find Joni! I love sandy places where no one has been walking, as you say, you see nature's art. L/F
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks Linda. I'd never seen such sculpting before. The waves and ripples, yes; but this pattern was very different from anything I'd ever seen before.

Christy Cox
LOVE this! I see this and never know how to make a lovely photo - you do!! Gorgeous! Lovely composition!
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks Christy for your visit and very kind comments. I've tossed away many a photo because I couldn't get the photo to successfully convey what my mind saw. Glad you enjoyed this one!

Donna Kennedy
Beautiful shapes and textures!...L
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks Donna. It was such a unique shape, I imagine God taking His finger and doodling in the sand!