The Praying Mantis and the Antenna

by Joni Eskridge
The Praying Mantis and the Antenna
Joni Eskridge
Close up of Parying Mantis climbing on the antenna of a pickup truck on a Sunday morning. I was leaving the house for church on Sunday morning and spotted this Mantis climbing up the antenna of my husband's pickup truck. I had to go back in the house and get my camera! Photo flipped horizontal.
Copyright © 2013 Joni Eskridge
July 10th, 2017
Comments (20)

Linda Howes
One of my favorite bugs, nicely capture here Joni! It's cool to see their underbelly, it almost looks like armor. l/f
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks Linda! It does look like armor. This up close and personal view was so fascinating. All those intricate features and the face - makes you think much differently about bugs when you see them in this much detail. Thanks for the visit, Linda!

Morris Finkelstein
Fabulous close up photo of a Praying Mantis with great perspective, clarity, colors and composition, Joni! F/L
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks so much Morris! It may have been the first time ever seeing a Praying Mantis in "the wild." It was pretty exciting for me - especially finding it in such a weird place ( : Appreciate the visit!