Story of the Baby Chipping Sparrow 3 of 10

by Joni Eskridge
Story of the Baby Chipping Sparrow 3 of 10
Joni Eskridge
I sat and watched the little baby sparrow; momma had disappeared. The baby who couldn't fly just hopped and chirped, ending up on the asphalt parking lot. Such a tiny little bird in this big scary world. For the whole story, be sure to start at 1 of 10.
July 14th, 2016
Comments (25)

Joy McAdams
Way to go for resisting the temptation to get the largest picture of the wildlife you could, and instead capturing the background and story. It speaks volumes and really makes this image stand out. A very big L/F
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks so much Joy! I really appreciate your comment. I agree, the baby without the parking lot would have left out the real story of the picture. Watching that tiny little bird hopping around that parking lot and getting down low to see his perspective was overwhelming - and that's where the story of this image is. Thanks for the visit!

Jean Cormier
Superb imagination! I can imagine these hanging in a gallery with the viewer moving from canvas/print to canvas/print in the wordless story! Very touching image and compositionally, each one is top notch! jean

Skip Willits
A wonderful image and the story/series is so touching. Thanks for your work.
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks Skip. Appreciate your visit and taking time to go through the series. Glad you enjoyed it!

Theresa Tahara
Love your Chipping Sparrow series, Joni. Gorgeous nature photography. f/l
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks so much Theresa for taking the time to visit with my baby Chipping Sparrow! So glad you enjoyed the story behind the picture series.

Morris Finkelstein
Fabulous photograph with great details, colors and composition. Your series of 10 photos of this drama, together with your Descriptions, tells a wonderful story, hopefully with a happy ending! F/L
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks so much Morris for following the story of the Baby Chipping Sparrow. Appreciate your investment in time and your kind words. I do really hope it was a happy ending!

Alison Sherrow I AgedPage
LOVE this shot! Well worth the parking lot belly crawl! Off to read the story now....
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks Alison. I do recall picking mulch off my clothes for awhile! Down from that angle, the parking lot was soooo big! Thanks for the visit and comments.

Calazones Flics
Great capture and scene Joni! l/f
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thank you Calazones. This was a shot that was somewhat overwhelming to take. Getting down at this level to catch the expanse of the parking lot gave me the, shall I say, a bird's eye view - and it was frightening! Thanks so much for the visit and comment.

Nikolyn McDonald
This is adorable - he looks so very vulnerable. The selective focus and minimalist composition really emphasize that. I'm off to "read" the rest of the story. In the meantime, this is one of my two Picks of the Day in the Best of Minimalism in Photography group for August 7.
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thank you so much Nikolyn for your visit and for choosing Story of the Baby Chipping Sparrow 3 of 10 as your pick of the day for Best of Minimalism.

Michel Verhoef
The emptiness around him enhances his tinyness, his vulnerability !!! I really hope he or she did survive this ! Wonderful moment dear Joni !
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks so much Michel for reading the saga of the tiny sparrow. His vulnerability broke this momma's heart. I was glad to see his momma come to him and see he hadn't been abandoned. But I also knew of the many dangers lurking close by if he could not get to safety.

Toni Abdnour
Minimalism doesn't get any better than this kind of sweetness. I love it! l/f
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks so much for your kind words Toni. The vast emptiness of the parking lot around him indeed looked like an unending black sea.

CJ Anderson
This is so darn sweet, Joni! I know the momma was close by and keeping an eye on her darlin'.
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks CJ. There's a whole series of "Story of the Baby Chipping Sparrow" if you want to know the "rest of the story"!