Series of Yellow Swallowtail #6 of 6

by Joni Eskridge
Series of Yellow Swallowtail #6 of 6
Joni Eskridge
On my bucket list was finding a Swallowtail Butterfly in its natural habitat to photograph. On a summer day I took a walk through a local prarie enjoying the day. I came across some lovely coneflowers and then around the corner, this beautiful Yellow Swallowtail came into view. We both thoroughly enjoyed our late afternoon rendezvouz.
January 31st, 2017
Comments (28)

Joni Eskridge
Thanks so much Karen for featuring "Series of Yellow Swallowtail #6 of 6" in the group Lady Photographers and Artists. Really appreciate it!

Bob Christopher
Hi Joni... I like your image. Wow, love the soft colours. Beautiful photograph...Cheers Bob fv

Wes Iversen
You came away with a beautiful series of images of this Swallowtail, Joni! Outstanding detail and soft bokeh on each of them, and I especially like the full wing spread on this one! L/F to all in the series!
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks so much Wes. Really appreciate the visit and taking time to view and support the series.

Lisa Kilby
Breathtaking beauty, Joni! Love the bokeh! l/f
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks Lisa! Breathtaking - that's what I thought when I turned the corner and saw this. Really wanted to convey how very beautiful it was. Thanks for the visit!

Liesl Walsh
Beautiful composition, love the happy colors and soft background! l/f
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks Liesl. Yes, happy is a good description. Thanks so much for the visit!