Red Bellied Woodpecker

by Joni Eskridge
Red Bellied Woodpecker
Joni Eskridge
Take the trunk of a Christmas tree, take off the branches, leaving only a nub, use a dowel tip to drill some holes, fill the holes with a peanut butter, shortening and corn meal suet and you have a bird feeder visited by a variety of birds, including this Red Bellied Woodpecker.
If you're interested in trying the Christmas tree feeder, the recipe I use is 4 cups corn meal, 1 cup peanut butter, 1 cup shortening, 1 cup flour.
January 20th, 2016
Comments (18)

Debra Martz
Excellent capture of this beautiful woodpecker's colors and details; and a great natural looking feeder. I saw this type feeder for the first time in January when birding in south Texas.
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks so much, Debra. I got the feeder as a gift and love it. I could never keep it full enough for the birds either. I try to fill it when I'm going to be able to spend time watching out the bay window in our breakfast area. As soon as I fill it, I hear the various species start announcing. It doesn't take long, usually, before all the holes are empty of their treasure. But I get the enjoyment of watching them jockey for position; and you really find out who the block bullies are!

Ruth Jolly
would love to see one of these. Great shot.
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks Ruth. We have quite a few around us. Right now we have two frequently visiting our backyard. Last week they were getting into it with each other. Quite the spectacle. We have downy woodpeckers too. The size difference is pretty drastic. These red bellies are really big!

Sunil Kapadia
Fabulous capture with perfect details. Also love the soft light which adds a soothing feel to the picture. F

Lori Coleman
Fantastic details! A beautiful and colorful shot!
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks Lori. It's fun to watch the birds in the back yard. This guy comes around quite often, as do the smaller Downey Woodpeckers. The birds, squirrels and chipmunks provide lots of entertainment. Thanks for the visit.

Barbara McMahon
Terrific capture Joni! Also, great idea of the old Christmas tree! l/f
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks Barbara. If you're interested in trying the Christmas tree the recipe I use is 4 cups corn meal, 1 cup peanut butter, 1 cup shortening, 1 cup flour.