Beauty and the Storm

by Joni Eskridge
Beauty and the Storm
Joni Eskridge
Traveling home from a trip to Galena, Illinois, heavy storms were going through the area as the sun was setting. This was one of several dramatic cloud and sunset shots I was able to capture.
Copyright © 2010 Joni Eskridge
April 27th, 2017
Comments (19)

Michel Verhoef
Yes..li can remember your feelings from many visits to your country in the past....you people are much much closer to nature and the threats it has...very different from the secure city life in this country of zero natural desasrers....sometimes it can be windy, while we call it a storm...but...I know what you have to endure..daily following the tornado weather forecasts and so on...you are such tough people, I have a deep respect for :-))
Joni Eskridge replied:
I'm thankful I don't live in Tornado Alley, but we get enough really severe weather for sure. Last year there was actually a tornado in Chicago itself. I was downtown and the wind and rain was crazy. My Derecho Destruction gallery shows shots from a severe storm in my neighborhood. Not quite a tornado, but close. The weather seems to get more severe as the years go by. Can be really scary; but also amazing and beautiful.

Michel Verhoef
The beast is not far from here....unique catch Joni, only possible on your side of the ocean :)
Joni Eskridge replied:
It certainly looked that way, though so beautiful. Love storms, and have a healthy fear of them - beauty in the midst of such power. As I recall, we had to leave our paid for, no refund Galena getaway early because heavy rain at home and a power outage were threatening flooding in the house. Was very disappointed; but these clouds at sunset, were amazing! Thanks for the visit, Michel.

Lisa Kilby
Amazing sky, Joni! Love the contrasts! l/f
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks Lisa. It was pretty incredible to watch the clouds. Very ominous - but also beautiful.