A Queen But No Monarch

by Joni Eskridge
A Queen But No Monarch
Joni Eskridge
This beautiful butterfly with flowing wings is a Queen Butterfly. The Queen Butterfly has many similarities to the Monarch, including laying its eggs most often on Milkweed. Their larvae are similar as well, and they tend to hang out in the same locales.
The Queen lacks the black vein lines on its wings, and is not as toxic to predators as the Monarch. It is thought that the Queen Butterfly may travel amongst the Monarchs and Soldier Butterflies to hide their less-toxic selves from predators.
This beautiful Queen Butterfly was photographed at a local butterfly garden in Geneva, Illinois.
While the Monarch is, indeed, a beautiful butterfly, I fell in love with the gentle flowing folds of the Queen's wings.
Copyright © 2016 Joni Eskridge
July 21st, 2017
Comments (16)

Cindy Treger
Joni, this is beautiful. f/l
Joni Eskridge replied:
Thanks so much Cindy. I really loved the flowing wings of this butterfly. Glad you enjoyed it too!